July 30, 2004


A dual dream Part Two - late February 2004

It started with an internet news cast.

It was for some sort of adult entertainment seminar.
It went from the news cast to the setting, which is outside some sort of theatre venue.
At the front box, there was a woman with smooth long brown hair.
She was the ticket seller.
She wore glasses and a black and white professional outfit.
She started to "advertise" a product.
She took her top off.
She proudly displayed her product...a very professionally designed bra.
It was a faded red colour.
On it was a very intricate design...embroidery or latch (I think)...very delicate.
If you threw it inside a cheap washer and dryer, the design would be ruined.
I was now part of the audience.
Inside, it looked like a worn department store or warehouse.
The audience consisted of people between the ages of 25 and 60. A very mature audience.
Everyone was sitting on silver aluminum chairs with a bit of padding. They weren't comfortable but they weren't uncomfortable, either.
There was no stage.
Everyone was sitting around two actresses.
One was skinny and the other was more heavy.
The skinny woman remained silent. She wore a bathing suit.
She handed the heavier woman a bathing suit.

This bathing suit is designed as thus:
Imagine an extremely large elastic band.
The green bikini bottom was on the bottom of this elastic band.
1/2 of way up there were two clear plastic bikini top covers.
3/4 of way up there were two green bikini top covers.
It was designed so that the plastic covers would go on first and then the green bikini covers.

The heavier woman was dressed in layers upon layers upon layers upon layers of rags and sheets. Was she really heavy? Was this just an act?

The woman was given the bathing suit and tried to put it on over her rags and sheets.
The bathing suit did not agree with her.
She tried again.
The skinny model bought out a stange contraption.
The heavy woman stood in the middle of this contraption.

It looked frightful.
The skinnier woman started spinning this contraption.
It was clear that it was nothing more than a prop.
The heavier woman was standing on her hands and back up again while the contraption merely hid her movements.

The machine stopped. She stood up.
"Well," said the heavy woman wearing the bathing suit that looked so much worse then before "this is a load of shy-no-la"
The audience chuckled.

The machine started again.
Once again, the heavier woman was standing on her hands and back up again while the contraption hid her movements.
The machine stopped.

She stood up wearing a pink towel around her body.
The audience was gasping.
Was she naked? Was she wearing the bathing suit?
She removed the pink towel.
She wasn't fat after all! She had a respectable weight, she was wearing a professional woman's pinstripe suit. She looked very attractive and sexy.
The audience applauded!

In the audience, there was a group of soldiers.
The purpose of the group of soldiers was to remove hecklers from the audience and to send them out the door.
The soldiers were acrobats and carried no weapons at all.

One such heckler heckled the woman who just removed her towel.
The heckler was sitting on the only balcony in the theatre (right behind)
One soldier stood up beside the balcony.
Another soldier stood up on the sholders of the other one.
The third climbed up on top of the second one, bent over and grabbed the heckler.
The third soldier swung the heckler over his shoulder and climbed down.

When the third soldier started to exit, there were two men beside the door.
One was a John F. Kennedy impersonator, who sounded an awful lot like Kevin Costner.

The two men allowed the soldier to leave with the heckler.

This seemed to be part of the act as attention was then drawn towards the JFK impersonator and the other man beside the two exit doors.

Then there was a computer screen. For some reason I was in control. I moved the mouse over "Knock knock -- knock knock" and clicked on it. The dream switched back.

"Hey Bill" said JFK to the other man "Knock knock! Knock knock!"
The other man replied to JFK, "Who's there? Who's there?"
"It's a joke, Bill" said JFK.

This was one of those epic two part dreams that I'm glad I was able to recall.

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