October 15, 2005


My sitemeter has been kidnapped

For whatever reason, I cannot access my old sitemeter (s15sleepyjohn).

So I got a new one!

(Yay for me!)

October 01, 2005


St. Al's dream -- September 30, 2006

I was walking around the school when I came to a room where I saw Theresa Szlydowski(I can't recall the correct spelling of her last name). I was so thrilled to seeing her again. I hugged her and we talked a little. It turned out that I was the first one to see her. I think she wanted to see me first. Then I started looking for others for her to see. Claude, Lisa, Kim, Darren...all of the others who were in my (I'm guessing) sixth grade or whichever grade. It felt like a reunion.

Lisa, I remember, had a few tears coming out after seeing Theresa.

Then another woman came up to me and looked at my eyes. She wanted to know if I was crying...and I was.

We were all our present ages. I was 29 in the dream and everyone was either 29 or 30 years old.

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