January 21, 2006


The concert dream and the woman who made me feel warm

I was at a concert. I don't even remember what kind of concert it was. I remember sitting on a hardwood floor of which I think was a stage. I wasn't there with anyone, but there was a woman there who wanted to sit with me. Actually there were two, but I politely told the other one "Sorrry, but I can't". Me and this other woman were being nice to each other.

She was around 5'7", light brown hair, light brown eyes, average-thin build, dressed in sort of pink and red clothes. She carried around a multi-coloured purse and a jacket for us to sit on, which was nice of her.

The other lady had a different hairstyle, wore tan-brown clothes, but looked similar to the one that I was sitting with. Friendly, nonetheless.

That's about all I can remember. It was a good feeling of being wanted.

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