July 29, 2004


Fragile Dreams - I

This is not a very flattering dream.

I was in my apartment.
It felt bigger than usual.
There wasn't any kitchen stools.
There was some sort of plastic covering on the floor.
Kat was sitting on the couch.
I was moving from the living room into the bedroom.
I had my eyes on her all the time.
She got up, but ended up on the floor.
The plastic covering was meant for grip.
She placed her hands inside a pair of sandals.
She started towards me.
Then she started to stand.
It was hard for her to.
She called out to me.
"Help me", she said.
I nodded and I walked over to her.

That's when I woke up.
I read a few books on this and I'm unclear as to the meaning.
Is she supposed to represent her phyiscal self or is she supposed to represent a part of me?
Another book suggested that I should disregard this dream.

4 August 2004: I am now considering the possibility that she represents an emotional state of myself.

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