August 06, 2004


The E-Mail diaries II - from August 18, 2003

i remember i was in a valley with gentle slopes.
a green valley with trees on top of the hills and scattered around.
there was a house in the middle of the valley.
i kept thinking there was a lake nearby but i don't think there was.
it was a very strange two part dream.

the first part was with dexter from dexter's laboratory (the cartoon).

and i guess he was with some sort of super model girlfriend who did anything for him.
i remember that she took his clothes off (minus his underwear) and carried him over his head or something.
He looked happy.

The second part got a little weird, I managed to be involved in the dream.
I found the head of a greek statue on the ground and a long necked trumpet nearby.
somehow i had a book with me, a black book about greek gods.

i pulled out the story of a greek god who was a famous trumpet player or something.
it turned out to be dexter's favorite greek god.
so i carried the trumpet, the head of the greek god and the book turned to that very story and set them all on his bed.

It wasn't a dusty book...considering the contents of the book, I say it would have to do more with knowledge, intellect and information.

It definitely was not a bunk bed that I remember. I was only placing objects on it. I wasn't sleeping on it. It was someone else's bed, too (Dexter). I remember it having old looking but comfortable covers on it.

It is a head of a statue. I didn't see it beheaded. I could only assume that it was.

when I was reading the black book, it somehow cut into a "flashback" story about this famous "Greek God", who would make an announcement and would blow on the horn. The very same horn I'm holding in the dream.

And I know these details because there was a narration through the entire dream.

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