August 17, 2004


An epic underwater dream - February 2004

I was in an old building, inside a room full of reference books.
With me is an Asian companion. We were talking to an older man about something.
We were going to be sent on a mission.
As we got to the basement, I realized that the building was underwater.
We had some sort of scuba gear on.
We started running towards the "objective". It was a building far off in the distance.

There was some sort of "arcade" intermission.
There was a wave of blue stingrays swimming around me, past me and through me.
I was supposed to "steer" around the stingrays.
I knew they weren't dangerous.
They were rushing somewhere, probably for migration.
By the time I broke off, I ended up in front of the "objective".
I entered the building.
It was filled with files.
It had a sort of musky atmosphere to it.
There were shelves and old cardboard boxes of files, lining up the hallway like a sort of maze.
There was a steep staircase when I arrived at the back room.
I pulled out a piece of paper that had numbers on it.
There were numbers on the boxes.
They didn't correspond.
I found one box where the numbers were "close enough".
I turned around and headed back.

The scene cut back to the original building where the dream started

I was there with the old man, who apparently was a professor.
I was there with three other people.
I gave the box to the professor.
He pulled out four artifacts.
I didn't know what the artifacts were but they held some sort of importance.

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