August 26, 2004


It's time for an interpretation.

Using my very first dream entry I'm going to use two books: "The Dreamer's Dictionary" by Lady Stearn Robinson and Tom Corbett and "The Dream Directory" by David C. Lohff

Automobile - The meaning of a dream involving a motorcar depends very much on its aspect. If the car was merely a means of transportation, it has, in itself, no particular significance, and other details of the dream should be carefully considered But the car is a central theme to the dream. ... if the engine lost power of stalled or if you run out of gas, you could be embarrassed by misplacing your confidence and/or affections. I'm going to have to go with "misplacing my confidence" except the car didn't stop by itself, I stopped on request of the policeman. Maybe my confidence or affections is being re-directed?

Hills - Another obstacle dream. The higher the hill, the greater the obstacle, but other factors must be correlated. If this was an obstacle dream, then I think I'm sufficiently prepared to handle whatever the obstacle is.

Black - An unfavorable omen unless it featured in a funeral or other appropriate situation, in which case it forecasts difficulties to be overcome The black car and the hilly city do suggest that this is an obstacle dream.

Nephew - ...other relatives (apart from immediate family) are an omen of help when needed. Of course the dream action must be correkated to get an accurate interpretation Fascinating.

Road - ...unpaved, bumpy, narrow, or twisting roads represent difficulties to be overcome, and the meaning of the dream will depend on the outcome of your dream action in relation to the road. I was at a three way stop. The road really was not at top notch condition and I did come out of a windy road. This does fit well with the rest of the symbolism of the dream

Police - Police in your dream are a symbol of security in your life... Security with the policemen and help from my nephew. Whatever obstacle this seems to represent, I'm not going to go in without help or back up.

Officer - If your dream featured a police officer, it forecasts an embarrassment due to the financial carelessness of a friend or relation...I'm going to discard this definition for now. It doesn't seem to fit with the rest of the symbols.

Friends - Any demonstration of true friendship in a dream is a straightforward prediction of happy social times with good companions...I couldn't find co-worker. Walter, however, did tell me not to worry. I took that as a sign of true friendship within the dream. So in this obstacle that I'm supposed to overcome, not only would I have help and security with me, but I also have friends. I guess that's why this obstacle dream doesn't look like an obstacle dream

Left - If your dream featured the left side of anything or a left turn or direction, it is telling you not to be discouraged by a temporary setback; perseverate and you will ultimately attain your goal This is becoming straight forward, isn't it?

The Dreamer's Dictionary suggests that in this dream, I have been faced with some obstacle. It's not a huge obstacle. I can handle it with all of the resources that I have. But it is an obstacle of some sort. I seem to be getting the message to not give up and tap into my resources in case things happen to go wrong.

Cars - Often times, the car is simply the best mode of transportation within a dream. In that case the rest of the dream is more important than the car itself. However, if the dream includes significant data about the car, that image may be worth a deeper look. Indeed the car is a central theme in my dream ...Driving a car is roughly the opposite of being a passenger in one. However, the passengers may reflect persons to whom you feel an acute sense of responsibility In this case, my nephew Again, they may be figures from almost any area of your life. What is important is how you relate to them and how you all agree or differ in your destination My nephew was a passenger in the car. He didn't seem to have a problem where I was going to. I haven't considered this possibility before. Perhaps the obstacle is coming home

Children - Children are fasinating characters in dreams because they reflect so honestly our own thoughts and feelings. Children are often afraid of what is worth being feared, have deeply feld senses of right and wrong and show reckless abandon in both likes and dislikes.... So my nephew could very well be representing a part of myself If you know the child in waking and dreaming, this may reflect a wish fulfillment or projection Seems out of place, but I'll buy that premise. The main puzzle piece to discern is the nature of your activity and the relationship with the child After a few moments of thought, I was probably driving my nephew home

Journey - The longer one's life, the more apparent it becomes that life is not a destination, but rather a journey of searching for meaning, understanding, and ultimately happiness. Bingo. While we don't necessarily characterize our dreams as journeys, there is a sense in which our waking journey is sometimes affected by our most powerful or memorable dreams. Many dreams include needing to travel from A to B before progress is made in completing the dream task. Many times, this traveling is the challenge. In this case, with the car, it didn't feel like a challenge ...the journey is often a symbol for trying to find what is needed to bring life into equilibrium. This is the task of finding one's place in the universe...Is your destination known to others, or held in confidence Good question. I don't even remember where we were going. Do others invite you to accompany them, vice versa, or are you on a solitary trip? My neph was already in the car. My trip is not solitary. Can others direct you, or are you traveling to an unknown place? It's an unknown place, but I feel like I know where I'm going

Relatives - ...To interpret dreams of this kind, discern what relatives were in the dream My nephew and whether they are still living Yes or dead No in waking life.

The Dream Dictionary is giving me a different meaning. There is not situation. It could very well be that I dearly miss home and that I'm still carrying my memories with me.

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