August 30, 2004


Was it a college or was it high school?

It was a hallway for some sort of education institute. It was a dark polished oak. The floor looks recently polished. There were framed windows here and there. We were sitting on a backless bench.

There were four people sitting with me. All of them were from my Sacred Heart High School class from Yorkton. Jason and Darren. I'm not sure who the other two were. They could very well be Trevor and Lawrence, Trevor and Matt, Matt and Lawrence, Kyle and Trevor. I don't know. They were interchangable. We were all wearing dress suits.

We were all waiting for the next class. I think it was the start of the semester. Jason bought a textbook for this advanced course in applied mathematics. Everyone on the bench was talking about the course. I think everyone was prepared except for me. I was the only one who was deciding on whether or not to take this course. I was also bopping my head to a CD by "Prefuse-73". Apparently I was the only one who could hear the music

Jason had his textbook on a page about Canadian time zones. He then started talking about it as though he were familiar with the mathematical problems and concepts behind time zones. Everyone sitting on the bench seemed familiar with the material.

Once again, I didn't say anything, but was bopping my head to the music. Darren looked at me as though he wanted my input. I couldn't give any. I was taking a "wait and see" approach. Sort of like "Wait until I take the class, then I'll tell you what I think"

I woke up because I was late for work. My co-worker was also late.

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