September 18, 2004


Brave analysis - II

I should give some thought to some of the other symbols in the dream.

I couldn't find any interpretations for comic books, but here's one for Pictures
Watercolors, drawings, or modern pictures predict minor changes

That sort of negates the symbols of Cruelty, Torture, and Killing. It could be just my subconscious keeping me on the straight and narrow path. Sort of like "Of course you're not an evil depraved little man bent on destroying all women, but here is a tale of a man who is like that".

Reading in a dream is a generally favorable omen signifying progress. If you were reading aloud, it predicts help from outside sources; to hear someone else read foretells future comfort and peace of mind.

Progress, huh? Interesting. It doesn't say anything about reading from the last page.

A large chest is a warning against getting into debt; a small chest forecasts success in love; an empty chest is a forerunner into a minor disappointment; a full chest is an augury of family solidarity but only after disagreements and quarrels

The comic book panel had a large blue chest with two round crowns on the top. The crowns and the chest looked like they were made of the same material. The chest didn't have a lock. I got the impression that there was something valuable inside the chest. But the chest was a gift. There is something about family solidarity. I am going to have to keep my spending habits in check. That seems like a minor theme. "My last gift to you is the first gift [can't remember the name] gave to me", she said. Now that I think about it, it sounds like an odd thing to say.

Fork dream of an eating fork signifies a release from present stab or see something or someone stabbed with a fork predicts a possible loss of status, so guard your tongue

The forks were stabbed in someone's eyes. I'm convinced this is a morality tale; a warning. Some minor but important adjustments in my attitude are very necessary right now.

Knife doesn't seem to have an appropriate description. The knife that was used was a dinner knife, not a steak knife. Blade has this:
...if clean and shiny, it indicates helpful new friends

...that doesn't work, does it?

Cut has this:
To dream of yourself or anyone else being cut by a sharp edge or object is a warning that indiscreet gossip or behavior could be very costly. Cool it!

That's better. The knife was stabbed in someone's mouth. That makes perfect sense with indiscreet gossip or behavior. This was after the King said "Silence that filthy wench!". Yes, okay. That's the warning. Rash and ill advised conclusions and assumptions are painful and costly. My subconscious could very well be saying "John...just what the hell are you thinking about?", or "John...what the hell convinced you to come to *THAT* conclusion!".

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