September 12, 2004



"I got some weird news for you", my sister said, "B and G are separtaing"
I paused.
"How did that happen?" I asked.
"Well, how did you happen?", she replied.
(Good point)

We talked about it for a while. I couldn't believe it. B and G were two of the happiest people that I've ever met. They were married for about 15 years, every time I saw them they were all smiles. They were members of my sister's band and really talented musicians.

Fast forward.

"Guess who K. is going out with?", asked my sister, "It's someone you know"
I chuckled. I hope it wasn't someone that I knew from high school or university.
"K. is going out with R."
I paused.
"How did that happen?" I asked.
"R. must have liked her from afar, and I guess K. got tired of being single"
(R. and my sister used to go out together. They had a nasty break up)

We talked about relationships for a while. Her other old boyfriend, G. left a weird message on my brother's answering machine. He wanted to get a hold of my sister and find out where she was staying at.

Fast forward.

"I did say that H. was on a couple of dating services, right?", I said.
"I don't think she's ready. I think she needs to be independent first, don't you think?"
"I suppose you're right", I replied
"I think you're done with that," she observed "You don't need any more 'Mama's girls'. You should be dating someone more artistic. More independent"
(She's right, you know, I say to myself)
"I always saw you as independent" she went on "Even when you were as young as seven, you were always an independent little guy"
(That was a reference to a time when the family went over to see the F. family. I decided that I was tired and I started to walk home)

We started talking about my independence. When was I going to gain my independence from H.'s family? I think I already am. I'm living on my own. I'm doing things on my own without having to call in any favors, ask them to shop for me, ask them over to clean my apartment. This is all me. I have to live on my own. That's a true sign of independence.

Fast forward.

"Call grandpa. You should call him", she said.
"I called him up and asked him how he was doing," she said mirroring what my nephew told me, "And he said that he was fine but 'Why couldn't I call him earlier?' So he's pretty much back to normal"

It sure sounds like it to me.


"Your brother had a dream about Dad", she said.
"He had lost a part of a Beethoven opera (whose name I can't recall) and Dad started whistling the first part to him."
Hesitantly, I started telling her about my dream about dad, Saddam and me in Iraq (that was actually India). She chuckled. I also told her about how elements of Regina, Yorkton and Charleston seem to be mixing themselves into my dream.

It was a good conversation.

Then I called grandpa.

I got his (full) answering machine.
*sigh* Alright, I'll try again later.

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