September 16, 2004


The Swiss Cheese effect

I'm borrowing this from two sources. The first source being "Quantum Leap" and the second source from Lachesis.


Seriously, I also have a problem with short-term memory recall on waking, but I've long attributed that to a high distraction rate.

Me: I wonder if Attention Deficit has a role to play in this?

i.e. You could give me a standard 7-digit phone number to memorize - I could repeat it to myself over and over again for 15-30 seconds, then stop. 3 minutes later I wouldn't be able to recall pieces of it, then 5 minutes later almost all of it would disappear from my memory.

Me: The moment you mentioned this harkened a broadcast of CBC's Quirks and Quarks about memory. Here's the MP3 of that discussion and an OGG of that exact same discussion

Swiss cheese ;)

But this doesn't really happen in interactive memories - for instance, I just returned from giving a presentation to 20-25 people. I can recall plenty of details about the meeting, and I remember images, feelings, etc. I remember faces, where people were sitting, the general cadence and sequence of my presentation. If it were a dream, I wouldn't recall any of that, even though the "experience" would've been close to real.

So what's different, I wonder?

Me: Listen to the broadcast. See if it gives you any insight into memory. I personally find Bob McDonald a wealth of scientific information...or at least scientific radio programs.

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