January 06, 2005


The End of the World dream from January 6, 2005

This dream sort of mixes in elements from "Transformers: The Movie".

A group of people on Earth have failed to secure a deal. I'm not sure what deal this is. This group consists of world leaders or aliens. Either case, they left aboard rockets that have just taken off. I had a bad feeling that as soon as they left the planet, they would initiate the destruction of the planet Earth.

I was with my sister at this time. We were trying to escape this destruction. She was telling me that I shouldn't have to rush. I was saying to her that we don't have much time. I wasn't sure where we were going. I didn't know if I was heading towards an escape rocket or a shelter or what. I don't know. I just know that I had to continue towards the building ahead of me.

I caught a glimpse of a woman feeding a cartoon mouse a piece of cartoon cheese.

That was when the explosions started. The roof of the building to the right of me erupted. I knew the destruction was close. My sister insisted that we still had time. In front of us was a blinding light and we were catapulted backwards.

The scene was changed. It looked like a high-tech visual display with a "Report" screen. There was a background voice. She said, "No one survived the destruction. You don't want to know how many other planets have suffered the same fate."

This was a disturbing dream, to say the least.

This sounds like one of those classic "I feel like my life is under attack by elements out of my control - elements that are abnormal, or outside my normal sphere of reference - and I'm afraid the chaos may spread beyond my own control" dreams.

Interesting :)

I pieced it together from the dream dictionaries I owned. That's more or less a correct observation. I have some major responsibilities that needs my personal attention. My sister (who is the oldest in the family) is tired of taking responsibility for being the oldest in the family. She needs a rest and appointed me with this responsibility in a few of these areas. So it was a metaphorical death of my previous cushy lifestyle to make room for a lifestyle where I take responsibility. Pardon the pun, a wake up call.
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