January 28, 2005


That's...uh...a strange recipe from January 28, 2005

I was gathering ingredients for a recipe to make cookies. The last two ingredients were were strange but somehow important to this recipe. One was geriatric undergarments and stockings were recommended. The other was used condoms. I got a couple of bio-tox bags and I decided to search for the condoms. A woman asked me, "Couldn't you find used condoms for sale?". I replied "Now who would sell a used condom?"

And the tail end of the dream, another man showed up. "Leave it alone", he called out. He was looking at a name on the computer screen, "Richard Sala".

"We'll get him instead", said the man.

Do you know someone named Richard Sala? Or is that a fictional character that you've heard of?

Richard Sala is a real person, apparently:


This makes sense since I got some graphics novels and other comics from Fantapgraphics in the past.

I've never bothered to read any of his stuff. Maybe I should?
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