February 23, 2005


A mini-epic from February 23, 2005

The dream took place in New York City, even though I have no working knowledge of the city.

The main character and narrator was Joe Pesci.

Joe was taking a stroll down the streets of New York City.

"I was on my way to the city's downtown fair", he narrated, "Behind me were three yo-yos who seemed to have some sort of grudge against me. I got myself an ice cream on my way there."

A single scoop of vanilla. He was walking down some back alleys. The three dumb guys went to a fireworks store. They were pretty mad but completely clueless.

"How much for this gun?", asked the leader-of-the-pack, as he pointed to a real looking fake rifle, "I want to blow his brains out"

The store owner could only look in disbelief, "But that gun doesn't do anything", he said, pointing out it's plastic construction.

Two of the guys started looking around the fireworks shop. One of them found a cone full of a harmless plastique explosive material. He lifted the cover of the cone and the harmless explosive slipped out.

"Well you bought that one, boys", said the store owner.

Cut back to Joe. "The ice cream didn't agree with the heat and I threw up", he continued, "It landed right next to the turkey sandwich that I threw up last year". The "camera" moved over beside the vanilla ice cream vomit and sure enough, there is what was once the remains of an up-chucked turkey sandwich.

He walked inside a building. Two guys were in front of him. One guy was in back. The leader-of-the-pack had a shopping bag filled with two wooden blocks "glued together" with the harmless plastique. He handed the bag to Joe.

The boys were growing increasingly distressed and for some reason, saddened.

"I don't want it", said Joe as he passed it back to the leader. Joe and the three members started throwing the bag around as if it was a hot potato. These blocks with the plastique were obviously active and were ready to blow at any time. One of the boys threw the bag behind him, on to the stair case and everyone left the building in time for the staircase to explode.

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