March 01, 2005


Two medical nightmares

March 1, 2005

I was laying on my side, on a metal exam table facing left.
My clothes were still on.
Beside were three organs that came from my body.
One heart and two lungs.
I saw a hand reach for the heart as it started beating.
There was excitement in the air and I suppose they were going to put it back in my body.
But then the heart stopped beating, so they put it back beside me.
The lungs looked like they were in poor shape.

February 27, 2005

I was at a vet with my cat, Abby.
The vet told me that the cat had cancer in her rear half of her body.
I was told that the cat didn't have long to live.

Needless to say, I felt troubled after having both dreams.

I understand how you feel.

I wonder if those kind of dreams are a metaphor for some sort of internal change?
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