June 17, 2005


Becky wants to go to a concert ... June 17, 2005

Becky was wearing a loose light blue shirt and blue jeans.
She was wearing her glasses.
For those of you unfamiliar with Becky, she is 5'4", has an average build body and thin, red dyed hair and blue eyes (yes, she does wear glasses).
To me, she reminds me of Susan Sarandon.
She does look like some of the "women of my dreams" that I've had in the past.

I dreamed that we were laying on the floor somewhere.
It was in a livingroom in a house I didn't recognize.
There was a screen porch to the left of us, with sliding doors.
We separated for a while, because Becky had to answer the phone.
By the time we got back together, Becky told me that the tickets to see some band at $230 a piece.
She then said that was the only way to get the concerts tickets down to $3.
We snuggled up face to face, similar to how we've snuggled up face to face in the weekends we've been together.

Sounds pleasant :)
It was indeed!

I've been dating Becky since May 29th and it's fantastic! I get a lot of good feelings coming from her. That's probably why I had this dream. :-)
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