June 12, 2005


June 10, 2005...Father/son dream

I was in a backyard party of some sort.
It felt like a get together or a dinner party.
I was pretty sure there were other people around even though I couldn't see anyone else.
Everyone was dressed in regular clothes, it wasn't a fancy dinner party.
I remember holding a cup of coffee with cream and sugar.
I was talking to a man with red hair and his son with short blonde hair and glasses.
The man with red hair looked like the actor from Field of Dreams and Sneakers.
His son looked a little hyper, like he was diagnosed with ADHD.
The son started getting hyper, started kicking the table, spilling my coffee and the father threatened, yelled and hit his son.
The son was obviously taken aback.
He started crying and then said "Come on, dad, give us a break!"
While this was going on, I was cleaning up my coffee on the table, using a green circular sponge.
The dad was apparently a computer programmer who was showing me a "Warhammer 40,000" game that he designed.
The father seemed abusive.
The son obviously has some issues, but the dad had no clue with how to deal with him effectively.

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