July 08, 2005


(a missing dream)

I am not sure what happened, but this is a first. The "I Dreamed of Dodge Trucks" dream somehow vanished and I didn't delete it. Honest.

I'm going to enter in as much details as I can. I do not have the dream written down anywhere. It's all in my head.

The dream took place at night.
The place felt mechanical, with no buildings. There was a light blue-ish tint all around.
There were buildings in the distance, but there weren't any doors or windows nearby.
There were five large dark blue Dodge Ram trucks.
There were five people, counting myself, piloting the trucks.
The dream was split into six segments.
Three of the segments involved human interaction.
Three of the segments involved video game control.
The video game control felt like it came from a video cam pad. It didn't feel like a steering wheel, break, or gear shift was involved. The control felt forced.
The view of the video game segments was from a bird's eye view.
The first video game segment went as normal.
In the second video game segment, the truck that I was piloting slammed into the rear end of the truck to the left of me, taking my truck out of action.
In the third video game segment, I was given a pink used truck (which I think is an old later 1970s Ford truck)
In the human interaction scenes, some of the drivers had scuffles amongst themselves. I was skirting along the outside of the conversation, not talking.
In these human interaction scenes, I was taking a third person part. That is, me, the character, was taking part while me, the dreamer, was the audience.

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